November 29

Alex Reid Wins Civil Revenge Porn Case Against Katie Price

Legal Case Studies, News


We are delighted to confirm the result of the final hearing where Katie Price was ordered to pay our client Alex Reid £25,000 damages plus costs for breach of privacy, misuse of private information, breach of data protection and breach of contract. Tim Gir our senior partner that had conduct of the case said:-

“the claim would have been for more and I have no doubt the court would have awarded a higher sum but Price is bankrupt and it would mean paying court fees that may not be recovered. Alex had to make a choice but we are pursuing payment through the bankruptcy which will reveal details of assets and income. Price has not attended appointments with the Official Receiver and this could end up with her being in serious trouble with the court. Alex has an injunction to stop her doing this again. It is clear that she did show the audience of Big Brother’s bit on the side a recording of Alex as Mr. Justice Jay had ruled. Her defence was extremely and unnecessarily aggressive which made things much worse.”

Having Problems With Revenge Porn?

If you have any questions or need to take out an injunction then call now on  01277 284574.

Alex Reid won his civil revenge porn case against Katie Price at the High Court of Justice on Wednesday the 27th November 2019. Alex was represented by Sanders Witherspoon LLP. This comes a day after she was made bankrupt according to reports in the media.

Alex’s Legal Team included our Senior Partner Timothy Gir, Barristers Patrick Harrington QC of Farrar’s Building and Philip Williams of 33 Bedford Row. Chloe Strong a Barrister from 5 Raymond Buildings represented Alex to obtain the initial interim injunction in May 2018 before Mr. Justice Jay.

The case involved Misuse of Private information, Breach of Confidence, Breach of Contract and Breach of Data Protection. The allegations (that are now proven) involved videos of a sexual nature that were private and should have remained private. An interim injunction that was granted by Mr. Justice Jay in May 2018 was made into a full injunction for five years preventing Katie Price from showing private images of Alex engaged in sexual activity. The court found that her defence should be struck out. This meant that she had indeed shown the images to the audience of “Big Brothers bit on the side” in January 2018. This was after she had been written to warning Alex would take legal action against her as she had made various specific threats against him over the years. Various members of the audience contacted Alex to tell him what she had done.

Katie Price admitted that she had indeed possessed the images but no longer had them. She said that what had happened was that she had taken a video off the internet and played that to the audience. At the hearing in May 2018 Mr. Justice Jay said he doubted her credibility and reliability and found her account implausible when granting the injunction.

Master Davison at the High Court has ordered a hearing on the 9th March 2020 where damages payable by Katie Price to Alex will be set and ordered that she pay an interim payment of legal costs of £150,000. The remainder of the costs are to be assessed later.

Alex said he was relieved the case had reached this point but he remains deeply unhappy with his treatment by Katie, it has hindered his career and professional development. It has cost him substantial sums of money and he will be looking for compensation for this. He was very grateful for the people that came forward to help him from the audience of Big Brothers bit on the side.

Tim Gir said

“I am so pleased for Alex we were able to finally deliver some justice for him. He did report this to the police who were surprisingly advised by the CPS not to prosecute. This was an unusual case made even more difficult by the approach of the Defendant in denying what occurred on the 9th January 2018, despite the evidence against her. We live in more enlightened times and to say Alex did not deserve the protection of the law because of what he may have done in private was a particularly unkind and unpleasant approach. People should be free to express themselves how they like as long as it remains within the law without fear of persecution from others.”

If someone has images, film or material taken of you taken in confidential circumstances they have no right to show other people or threaten to do so. It can be frightening if you are worried about your reputation, work, family or professional life. You may feel alone and isolated. You can take positive steps to protect yourself, you may want to consider reporting the case to the police but you can take action in the civil courts. We can advise on keeping the case confidential and can also discuss various ways of paying for your representation.

Contact us as soon as you can on 01277 284574

Alex Reid is all smiles with fiancée as ex Katie Price ordered to pay him £150,000 amid revenge porn claims

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