April 22

Changes to Landlord and Tenant Law Announced

Property Conveyancing

The Government announced recently that it proposed to change the Law in relation to “no fault evictions”. 

It is the situation at the moment if a Landlord wanted to evict a Tenant they could use what is known as the “Section 21” procedure which meant that 8 weeks’ notice was sufficient to obtain possession.  There was an alternative Section 8 process which can be used when a Tenant fails to pay rent, or breaches the terms of their agreement, or other reasons.

The Government announced that it was doing this because of the worrying increase in private rented sector homelessness.  The problem has risen with the use of the no fault procedure.  Tenants had long complained that they were kicked out of their property when they raise concerns about repairs or the condition of their property.  Landlords complain that this will make it harder to get rid of poor tenants. 

It remains to be seen how the proposed change will affect the position and the housing market.  There is no date set for the changes to be brought into force.  The Government has suggested it will amend the law to allow Landlords to take possession to sell, or move back into the property.

When these proposals come in Landlords who have properties subject to mortgages will have to review the agreements because sometimes the mortgage terms and conditions dictate what sort of tenancies can be granted.

It may of course make no difference at all because as a responsible Landlord you would want a conscientious Tenant in your property looking after it to maintain your investment.  Responsible Landlords should also take steps to ensure the property is habitable and in good repair.  Misuse of the legislation has led to the issue being raised with Government and who are now proposing to enforce change. If you are a Landlord that has an issue with a Tenant or a Tenant that has an issue with the Landlord we may be able to help.  Please contact us on 01277 221010 or contact us here.

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