This means that children of under 18 years of age moving between the household of separated parents will fall into one of the exceptions for staying at home.
“Whilst rules and regulations have changed considerably since March 2020, the guidance remains such that where parents do not live in the same house hold, children under 18 can be moved between their parent’s homes”.
The leading principle in making arrangements for contact between each parent is the welfare of the children, which is always considered a paramount consideration.
In essence, this means that if you feel that your current arrangements expose your children to unnecessary risks due to coronavirus concerns, then do try to reach an agreement with your co-parent as to an arrangement that would minimise these risks.
This will not mean preventing your children from seeing your co-parent where contact was the norm, and this is endorsed by the courts and the government who stress the importance of parental contact.
It is reassuring to have a vast amount of technology at our disposal, which helps in maintaining contact from a distance using such video toolkits as Zoom, Skype, Facetime or WhatsApp video call.
This a difficult enough time for your children and that they may not be understanding of what is happening. Therefore, it is important to reassure them and show them love making sure that they keep regular contact with your co-parent and extended family through frequent communications in an endeavour to maintain some element of normality.