March 18

Our Policy on Coronavirus (Covid-19)


We wanted to take a moment to update you on the steps we have already taken and our plan moving forward in relation to Coronavirus (Covid-19).

These are exceptional times and we would like to reassure you that our team is working hard to maintain the wellbeing of all staff and clients at this time. We have heightened all our internal and external health and safety procedures and increased the intensity of our cleaning as a preventative measure with the offices being disinfected each night and periodically during the day.

Currently it’s business as usual at Sanders Witherspoon however, if our staff need to carry out a home visit for any reason, you will be asked a number of questions relating to Coronavirus. The staff will also be taking all steps necessary to ensure your safety and they will also request social distancing where necessary whilst they work.

We continue to work on your matter, progressing it where possible.  There may be occasions where other parties involved in your case are not able to proceed for a number of reasons; public offices/courts closing, fee earners in other firms self-isolating etc. thus causing a delay.  However, we will try as far as possible to ensure that any delay does not come from Sanders Witherspoon as we have resources in place to ensure our staff can continue work from home if necessary so there is the least amount of disruption as possible

Should any of our clients have to self-isolate or have concerns about coming into the office there are a number of other measures that can be put in place to assist with that. 

For all existing clients we can take instructions over the phone/face time/skype or email.  For new clients wishing to instruct us we can talk you through how best to deal with this, advising on how best to deal with ID requirements and arrange a time for a telephone/Skype meeting.

We continue to follow and implement the latest Government guidance including NHS England’s guidelines on Covid-19 which can be found:

Thank you for your understanding during this challenging time.  If you have any questions regarding our current Coronavirus policies please feel free to contact us on 01277 221010 where we are happy to answer any questions you may have.

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